Hello World!

I'm Areesha, 20 and I'm a university student here in Pakistan. I'd consider myself a beginner right now as I'm pursuing the Front-End Dev roadmap and aiming for Full-Stack Development in the long run. I'm currently following The Odin Project curriculum. I know a little HTML & CSS right now, and I'm pretty good at C++ and Java. I tend to learn as much as I can every day!
As a matter of fact, I've got an impressive ability to adapt and learn quickly. Passionate about problem-solving and critical thinking with a desire to pursue a career in Software Development. Currently looking for Front-End Developer roles with new challenges and opportunities.
Graduating in October 2023.

Key Skills


    I'm currently working on my HTML & CSS skills and loving it so far! I love the way it lets me visualize my progress much faster than other types of programming.

  • JavaScript

    I just recently hit a wall trying to learn JavaScript though. It has been a real wake-up call for me, but I'm not afraid to take on this challenge either. I'm just as determined and persistent!

  • C++ and Java

    I'm pretty good at C++ and Java. Familiar with OOP concepts and can use them in problem solving and managing complexity of the program.

What am I up to?

At the risk of sounding cliché, I have a big corporate dream, and I'm only beginning my journey towards it. Right now, I'm but taking steps towards it. Small ones, sure, but steps nonetheless. Recently, I realized I can't just jump directly to my goal and I have to take the baby steps no matter how insignificant they might seem. And while I'm at it, I've decided to make my journey more meaningful and have something to look back at! I have been documenting my journey, in the form of blogposts and GitHub repositories! I find it so fascinating how I can 'commit' to new things while also having the past to look back at!

My Journey

While you are at it, take a look at my latest YouTube upload!